I’ve got SOLE in my body again!

To the Sole Impact Team:
I was a multi sport athlete through college and remain physically active.  Heading into my 40’s, I have developed severe calve, knee and lower back pain during exercise.  A Desk job, young kids, commuting and stress have lead me to try almost every kind of physical therapy and sports equipment changes, without measurable progress.

I am happy to report that I recently wore the Sole Impact socks during

A Reebok Spartan Race in Fenway Park. I effortlessly bounded up and down the concrete bleachers and completed all obstacles without pain (during or after).  The special liner in the bed of the socks absorbed the impact from the hard surface such that the normal shooting pains up my calves during exercise was alleviated.   The years of research to develop this product has culminated in an incredible lifestyle benefit for younger athletes and those of us who want to stay active without pain!

I’ve got SOLE in my body again!

Mathew Carlton - Architect(NH), AIA , LEED AP Age 32